Tabac Manil’s Le Petit Robin (A Longform Tobacco Review For You!)


It’s 6 in the morning on a Tuesday, and I just woke up an hour ago. I reach for my Mr. Brog #89, considering what I should smoke. It’s cold outside, so I want something that will wake me up and warm my body. Something classy, with an old school vibe. I decide on an unopened brick of Tabac Manil’s Le Petit Robin.

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Looking Back (A Story Review of Cornell and Diehl’s Mountain Camp Pipe Tobacco)


When I was a young boy, over 30 years ago, it was common for us to spend some time in the summer and fall months camping at a mountain-base site near Mammoth Cave known as Jellystone Park. Today, many years later, I grab my pipe and sit down to go through some old pictures of my camping experiences while I smoke a bowl of Cornell & Diehl Mountain Camp.

Continue reading “Looking Back (A Story Review of Cornell and Diehl’s Mountain Camp Pipe Tobacco)”

Esoterica’s Brighton Tobacco Review


I am hiking the bright Kentucky hinterlands, walking with camera in hand, pipe in my teeth and dogs at my side as the cold dew clings to the cuffs of my jeans and the smell of thick forests sweep past my olfactory senses. There is a blank slate in the clarity of winter air that allows the coppice space to make magic.

Continue reading “Esoterica’s Brighton Tobacco Review”